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How To Get Sound From A Monitor Without Speakers: 5 Ways You Didn’t Know

Do you enjoy playing video games? Or love playing music out loud? If yes, you will surely wonder how to get sound from a monitor without speakers. 

Built-in loudspeakers enable consumers to appreciate sound without integrating into exterior speakers, but they do not always produce the same audio quality as non-built-in loudspeakers. You can use the audio jack on your desktop to get sound from the monitor without speakers.

Want to know more? Continue reading as we will reveal 5 simple ways describing how to get sound from a monitor without speakers.

Let’s get started!

🤔Do All Monitors Have Built-in Speakers? [How To Check If You Have One!]

A middle-aged man in blue shirt thinking "Do All Monitors Have Built-in Speakers?" with a laptop and desktop in background

Short answer: No

You see, although some monitors include built-in loudspeakers, most don’t. Reason? Including speaker systems on the screen, like Bluetooth headphones, incurs extra costs for the producer. 

As a result, some designs are manufactured without loudspeakers to reduce costs or cater to portions of video game players who they understand would only use headphones or sound systems.

Coming on, how to know if you have in-built speakers:

  • To determine whether a monitor has sound systems, carefully examine any provided monitor’s identified requirements.
  • A display with built-in speaker systems will almost certainly list that between its standards; if it is not mentioned, it is fair to presume that it does not have built-in sound systems.
  • If one’s monitor has built-in speakers, all you need to know is how to turn them on. To begin, check to see if you do have an audio interface installed on your desktop by heading to the equipment manager menu in Windows.

Ok, so you understood how to figure out whether your monitor has built-in speakers. But there’s more work to do. You need to now know how to get sound from a monitor without speakers.

You must follow the steps outlined below to allow your built-in speakers to function the way you want:

  • Right-click the overall volume symbol, then select Playback equipment.
  • After that, right-click on your speaker systems in the list that appears.
  • Pick your screen sound system as the default in the menu. There are countless other options available, but you must select your monitor’s built-in sound system.
  • Now, tap Configure and Test to see if everything works correctly.

🎯How To Get Sound From A Monitor Without Speakers: 5 Methods Cheatsheet

The Ultimate Cheatsheet On Different Methods To Get Sound [On PC and Xbox One] From A Monitor Without Speakers

First, I will give a comparison table to rate different methods on parameters as under.

Methods How effectiveHow easy is it to implementPrecautions
Use your computer’s audio jack Very much as it is reliant.It is very easy as it can be connected without any issues.Insert the jack properly.
Using a wireless connectionQuite effective as it is easily available.Really easy, as all you need is a wireless headset.Make sure to tackle the connectivity issues.
Use an optical audio connection portEffective as it is reliable.Not difficult as you only need to connect to the port.Make sure the port is working.
Use USB Multiport AdapterQuite effective as it is easily available.Get an adapter, and here you go; that’s how easy it is.Buy one with good reviews.
Use HDMI extractor Very much as it is reliant.Very easy as it is available without any difficulties.Make sure you connect properly.

Wireless interaction is the quickest and most convenient way to get sound from your desktop or console. You’ll notice immediate results if you take a handheld Bluetooth speaker, couple it with the device, and begin playing or broadcasting.

If the PlayStation lacks a Bluetooth function, you can work around the issue by purchasing a USB-to-Bluetooth cord. Users can also buy a wireless center that links to their gadget via USB if they want to use numerous speakers or sound output alternatives.

Because most home theatre systems use Bluetooth connections, you could get a remarkable audio portfolio for your screen without speaker systems. It offers layout freedom, numerous chains, and a realistic experience.

1️⃣Use The Audio Jack On Your Desktop

There are specialized sound connectivity ports for headsets on several display types. Famous display brands from Dell, HP, Lenovo, etc., come with all these connections.

Thus, if your display has this interface, you won’t have to worry too much about connecting your speakers to your audio system. The easiest method is provided here.

They are also known as headphone jacks. The different monitors, nevertheless, have separate connections for concurrently connecting speakers and headphones.

However, this procedure will assist you no matter why you wish to attach speakers to your display. Because there is no turbulence or inefficiencies, the audio signal would be great.

2️⃣Make Use Of A Wireless Network

Make Use Of A Wireless Network

You need a speaker with Bluetooth if all you need to do is play sound from your pc. This device must be capable of connecting wirelessly. Hence, if your pc or gadget, like a PS4 or XBOX, does not have Bluetooth functionality, you could buy a USB-to-Bluetooth connector.

With the aid of this gadget, you may quickly establish a Bluetooth connection between your gadget and the cordless speaker. Such cables are simple to get from a physical or online retailer.

You could also invest in an excellent wireless speaker to acquire suitable sound streams for your gameplay or other activities. You will undoubtedly have a joyous time if you have a nice set of wireless speakers.

3️⃣Make Use Of The Optical Sound Connection Port

You can always get the outputs instantly from the Xbox or PlayStation rather than route it through another device if you have a video game console and a display lacking speakers. 

That indicates that the video output is the only source reaching the display. Most video game consoles offer acoustic sound connectors, including comparable techniques.

4️⃣Utilize A USB Multiport Adapter

Utilize A USB Multiport Adapter

There are specific screens available without headphones that lack a 3.5 mm connector. You can indeed hear audio even when you’ve noticed this issue after looking at the backside of your gadget. You must purchase a USB multiport adaptor with a place for your speakers or headphones.


For communication, the majority of displays include at least one USB connector. You should check whether it is a USB-C or a regular USB interface. You will need to select either of the strategies described in this article to transmit audio to speakers if you don’t have any connections.

5️⃣Utilize An HDMI Extractor

You will need an HDMI extractor if your display lacks a 3.5mm audio jack port to receive sounds. You’ll get 2 separate video and audio jacks from the HDMI extractor. Therefore, you may immediately link the audio and video to the screen and soundbars.

The HDMI wire needs to be connected to the HDMI splitter initially.
Connect the HDMI wire’s other endpoint to the monitor and another end to the HDMI splitter. Then connect the AUX wire’s one endpoint to the HDMI splitter and the HDMI wire’s other end to the external speakers. The loudspeakers will now be producing sound for you.

💁Is It Better to Get a Monitor With Built-in Speaker: Shocking Truth

Is It Better To Get A Monitor With Built-In Speakers

No, unless you require your loudspeakers to take up little space and (most importantly!) you don’t give a damn about audio quality at all, the concept isn’t a good one. When there isn’t a sufficient area for sound systems, it’s best to buy a desktop with built-in speaker systems. 

If you must purchase a PC with inbuilt speakers, consider utilizing a dual-monitor configuration. A pair of monitors will produce better audio than a solitary desktop PC.

Besides conveying poor audio quality, mandating built-in sound systems increases the price (inordinately to the component gained) and limits your options. If you think about audio quality, invest in a speaker mechanism that contains a subwoofer.

My opinion:

I did get a monitor with built-in speakers, but it turned out to be a big no for me. I am a music lover, and I purchased it to listen to songs while working or doing other things. But, when I played the music, it sounded shallow, which made me question my decision. 

However, I have some good headsets, but I don’t particularly appreciate wearing them for extended periods, so I got a collection of speaker systems for a quality experience. I like sound systems on my windows pc just as much as those on my HTPC.

Many Redditors agree with my opinion. Do you want to know what they are saying? See here:

“Monitor speakers typically have a lower bandwidth and a narrow frequency range. Since the resonant frequency is restricted to the high-mid to greater frequencies, the ones I’ve used to have sound scratchy. If you just want to create noise and don’t give a damn about the density or reliability of the audio, they’ll suffice.”

Here’s another:

“If you really want sound systems for interactive media and your audio endorses surround audio, you should get a good collection of speaker systems to go with your screen speakers. Guess it depends on your hardware; you’d connect the monitor sound systems to the audio card’s center stream and a pair of respectable desktop speaker systems to the edge and/or rear streams.”

💡How To Get Sound From A Monitor Without Speakers: FAQs

How To Get Sound From A Monitor Without Speakers FAQs

How do I get my PS4 to play sound through my monitor? 

Because the PS4 will instantaneously extract sound via HDMI, such settings are rarely needed. You can start changing the sound output setting individually by connecting a device, including an AV amplifier for just a home theatre, to the PS4 game’s DIGITAL OUT (OPTICAL) terminal.

Why do some monitors not have speakers? 

Well, the response is remarkably simple. Monitors lack speakers since they’re not intended to generate sound; producing good audio quality from that kind of a small gadget would be challenging.

They are instead intended to showcase pictures and videos. Speakers in monitors will indeed increase the production cost and intricacy.

Do monitors have audio jacks? 

The simple response is yes and no because some monitors have headset jacks and everyone else does not. Whereas often, these monitors will have a headset jack, whether or not a monitor has one depends on the display.

Can I plug speakers into a gaming monitor? 

A pc gaming platform, including a PS4, can be connected to a monitor, and you can connect speakers to the PlayStation.

You will almost certainly need a wide range of cables. If your showcase endorses HDMI, attach it to the console using an HDMI cable.

Does USB carry audio?

A USB dock cannot function as a playback port. For understandable reasons, you could indeed attach a USB audio system such as a headphone.

A USB outer audio card, similarly, works by transferring virtual sound data and transforming it into an analog signal.

About the Author

how to get sound from a monitor without speakers

Rach Wellard

Rach Wellard is the driving force behind Sound & Solitude. Her mission is to help you discover the profound impact of sound in your daily life and to explore the beauty of solitude. With a deep passion for the connection between soundscapes and emotions, she brings a unique blend of expertise and personal dedication to our platform.

Rach understands that every individual's auditory journey is unique, and she’s here to guide you every step of the way. As a devoted audiophile, Rach’s discerning ear carefully selects the most exceptional products that align with your desires for Sound or Solitude. In a world filled with noise and chaos, Sound & Solitude serves as your sanctuary.

Rach’s journey as an autistic individual with a heightened sensitivity to sound fuels our commitment to creating an inclusive space where everyone can find solace while enjoying the meaningful sounds in their lives. Her understanding of diverse sensory needs enables us to offer personalized recommendations and insights, ensuring that your chosen audio equipment not only meets technical criteria but also resonates with your unique sensory preferences. And if you simply seek the best sound possible, Rach has you covered.

At Sound & Solitude, authenticity is our foundation. We provide unbiased reviews and comparisons because you deserve nothing but the truth. Our reviews are meticulously crafted, drawing upon Rach’s deep understanding of audio technology and the human experience in the Sound and Solitude realms. Whether you're searching for noise-cancelling headphones to immerse yourself in music or seeking a gaming headset that transports you to virtual worlds, you can rely on our reviews and personally tested comparisons to find the best equipment for your specific needs. Explore our carefully curated content, from the latest wireless audio advancements to tips for creating your ideal auditory retreat.

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